6: Bill Gates
Bill Gates is currently the wealthiest man on Earth with a net worth of $72 billion. The Microsoft founder is not just the richest man on the planet but also the most generous. He has donated more than $28 billion for the eradication of diseases like polio and malaria through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which is co-chaired by his wife Melinda.
7: Ben Bernanke

Ben Bernake
This American economist will step down as the chairman of the Federal Reserve in January 2014. The former Princeton professor Bernanke has served as chairman during some of the biggest financial challenges since the Depression.
8: Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud

Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud
The King of Saudi Arabia features in the world's most powerful people list, with his country having a net worth of $727 billion GDP. The 89-year-old monarch also holds the keys to Islam's two holiest sites and the world's second largest crude oil deposit of some 265 billion barrels that amounts to about 18 percent of global reserves.
9: Mario Draghi

Mario Draghi
He is the chief banker at the European Central Bank. The eurozone's collective GDP is now nearly $17 trillion and Draghi has been assigned the task to maintain financial unity across 17 countries. He goes by the nick name 'Super Mario'.
10: Michael Duke

Michael Duke
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